Monday, March 1, 2010

One Down, Eleven to Go

Riggins, Andrew

With February ending, I find myself one week deep into my official marathon buildup toward the Cleveland Marathon. I wrapped up the week with 100 miles on the nose and two workouts (both of which were on the treadmill).

Monday had me running a ladder workout, 4 miles with 4 minutes rest, 3 miles with 3 minutes, etc., all at 5:24 pace. This workout was a bear, and probably one of the tougher workouts I've run. Friday, I ran a steady hour outdoors (9 miles), and then jumped on the treadmill for an 8 mile tempo alternating between 5:20 and 6:00 miles. Saturday, I met up with the usual group in Peninsula for a 14 miler, hitting low 6:00's for a good stretch. I was particularly pleased with my strength doubling back from the workout.

This coming week should be in the low-90s range, with a quick track workout Tuesday (4 x mile, sub-5), and a hard effort at the Shamrock 15K on Sunday. I plan to run 9-10 miles prior to the race to simulate the fatigue I'll be feeling come May. Now, if only the weather will cooperate and I can begin hitting the towpath, trails, and bike trails.

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